Adding code or scripts (sometimes called snippets) to the <head> area in Shopify isn't as a scary as it seems.
You'll sometimes need to do this when adding third party scripts, like tracking or analytics scripts, or when verifying your domain for Facebook, or Google.
Step 1 - Duplicate Your Live Theme
This is optional but highly recommended.
When working on your Theme's code, it's always good practise to duplicate it so you have a back up in case anything accidentally breaks.
- Navigate to Online Store > Themes
- In 'Current Theme' select the Actions drop down
- Select Duplicate
- It will take Shopify a minute or so to finish duplicated your live theme.
Side Note - Theme Naming Conventions
If you're working with a developer, they'll likely have their own naming conventions. If it's just you, I recommend using a system like the below:
"MyTheme - LIVE"
This is always your current live theme
"MyTheme- DEV"
This is a duplicate of your live theme with any extra changes you have made. ie. Your 'work in progress' theme.
"MyTheme - BACKUP 04-05-21"
After a DEV theme is published, you rename it the LIVE theme. The previous LIVE theme becomes the new BACKUP (ie. a backup of your theme before you published your changes)
1. current DEV -> new LIVE
2. old LIVE -> new BACKUP
3. duplicate of new LIVE -> new DEV
4. repeat
As you work on, and publish new changes, you rename each theme per the conventions so you always know - which theme is live, which theme you are working on, and which theme you can quickly roll back to if something breaks.
Step 2 - Edit code in the Shopify theme code editor
- Navigate to Online Store > Themes
- Find your newly duplicated theme, select the Actions drop down
- Select Edit Code
This will open up a new area where you can view almost all of the code files that power your store.
Step 3 - Edit the theme.liquid file and add your snippet
- Find the theme.liquid file (under Layout)
- In your theme.liquid file, hit CMD + F (Mac) or CTRL + F (Windows) to open up a search bar
- Enter </head> in the search
Be sure to include the / in </head>, without the / is <head> and this is the opening tag. If you put code above this, it won't work. - This will take you to the closing tag, or the end of <head> section of your code. Generally, you want to put all your snippets, just above this closing tag.
- Add your snippet by copy and pasting it on the line directly above the </head> tag.
If there's code directly above it, just add in extra lines between them with the ENTER or RETURN key. - Ensure you don't overwrite, or remove any other little bits of code. Removing a single < or > accidentally can actually cause the code (ie. your site) to no longer function.
- Hit Save
- You can also hit the 'Older versions' link that appears at the top if you need to rollback to a previous version of this file, in case something goes awry.
Step 4 - Preview Your Duplicated Development Theme
- Navigate to Online Store > Themes
- Find the duplicated theme you've been working, select the Actions drop down
- Select Preview
This will open up a preview of that theme on your store for you to check over before publishing it. If it all looks fine, then you did a great job!
Step 5 - Publish The Duplicated Development Theme
- If all looks good above, hit Actions > Publish on the theme you've been working on.
- It will take Shopify a few moments and the duplicated theme will move to the 'Current Theme' slot.
- You can then rename as discussed above.
- Rename ThemeName - LIVE to ThemeName - BACKUP xx-xx-xx (put the date there)
As it's now your backup theme - Rename ThemeName - DEV to ThemeName - LIVE
As it's now your live/production theme - Duplicate the new ThemeName - LIVE and rename it to ThemeName - DEV
So you'll have a new copy to work on when you need to make more changes.
*Make sure your DEVELOPMENT theme is an exact, up to date, duplicate of your production theme before starting new work on it.